
As I read my sock knitting comrade Andi’s latest blog post yesterday, I got to thinking. Andi talked about her penchant for knitting socks and asked if other’s had unintentionally typecast themselves as a particular type of knitter.

Of course, socks were the first thing that sprang to my mind as well. I’ve branched out quite a bit in recent years, and socks are down to around just half of finished projects. But generally when anyone other than Kevin sees me knitting, I’m knitting socks.

This weekend, Kevin’s parents have been in town and so what have I been working on? You guessed it, socks. My birthday socks, to be specific. They arrived–with Astra in tow!–on Saturday afternoon. We grilled out and spent then evening talking. I woke up the next morning for coffee with Kevin’s mom and finished the the first sock.


Jackie’s a crocheter, so after some lunch and a walk, we settled in for a bit of a craternoon before heading out to supper for her birthday.


The last few nights, I’ve just been plugging away on my sock while we talk. I’m down past the heel and into the gusset increases, this pair of socks just seems to be flying by.


In the background of all this sock knitting, I do have other projects going on. But colorwork, cables, or managing multiple balls of yarn just don’t make the cut when I’m trying to hang out and talk. Socks are just always my answer – portable, one ball of yarn, nothing to think about or check other than a quick leg or foot measure.

Maybe one day I’ll be confortable enough with sweater knitting to tote a cardigan around for my in-public knitting. Socks are pretty tough to compete with so I don’t mind if people just see me knit socks. Thank goodness I love them.


Happy {sock} making!


6 thoughts on “Typecast.

  1. AnneB says:

    Sleeve knitting is like sock-knitting for sweater addicts! You just have to make bottom-up or grafted-on sleeves. Totally portable and talk-able, in the same vein as a sock, but better because you get a sweater at the end! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. autumngeisha says:

    Your socks in progress are so pretty! Socks have become my go-to projects these last few years as well. Funny that I used to describe myself as mainly a sweater knitter for many years. There’s just something about sock construction and sock yarns that jive so well with where I’m at in my life right now 🙂


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